Donate to Us

All donations are extremely welcome and you can donate in various ways.

Just Giving

To donate via JustGiving, click the button below.

Donate with JustGiving.Pay with Mastercard, Visa, American express, PayPal, Apple Pay or Direct Debit.

Single Donation

You can make a single one-off donation via our bank –
Account Number: 00750336
Sort Code: 83-16-21

Monthly Standing Order

If you would like to support the Anna Burnett Trust on a regular basis you can set up a standing order using our bank details –
Account Number: 00750336
Sort Code: 83-16-21

Payroll Giving

Payroll giving is a simple way to regularly donate to a charity of your choice. Your donation is taken before tax is deducted from your salary, making it tax effective. It means our charity gets more of your money while costing you less, i.e. as a 20% taxpayer a £20 donation costs you £16.00.

For more information about payroll giving speak to your HR department.

Gifts in Kind

You can support the Anna Burnett Trust through different kinds of donations, such as chocolates, sweeties, tinned biscuits and cakes for our regular raffles and tombolas, or your time helping at an event.